We’re so grateful to have dedicated supporters like you, and hope you will consider continuing your support by giving a gift today. Over the past year and a half we've seen a dramatic increase in need for our services across the state of Georgia, which we would never have been able to address without the community by our side.
Your gift will go directly towards providing access to critical nutrition education and medically-tailored meals for those that are chronically-ill, disabled, or otherwise homebound.
Together, we can do this.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie MacKenzie at 404-419-3302 or kmackenzie@openhandatlanta.org.
Thank you as always for your generosity. From all of us at Open Hand Atlanta, we wish you and your loved ones a safe, healthy, and happy new year.

In Support of Open Hand Atlanta
Open Hand Atlanta delivers love, dignity and nutrition to neighbors in need in Atlanta and throughout Georgia. For 35 years, we have provided delicious, nourishing meals and nutrition education to thousands of people who are home-bound or too sick to cook for themselves. We’re honored to serve seniors, children and families, and our neighbors who are at risk for or have a disability or medical illness.